Autumn’s Birthday

By September 20, 2021 September 22nd, 2021 AD Tech

As we mentioned yesterday, today was closed for avalanche control. We heard that the snow is super dense and the next five days should be perfect. We are still keeping our fingers crossed!

This morning we hiked over to Saas-Almagell, the next town over and checked it out. After lunch we had “tech talks” with Dane and Addison in prep for our next few days of GS. Dane was a GS specialist and was consistently top 20 in World Cup GS. Addison is currently one of the best ranked Americans in GS and is pursing his world cup and Europa cup career this winter. It was great to get their input all things GS, watch some video, and get the atheltes’ focus dialed in for the next few days.

Then we had a mini-party for Autumn’s birthday! We built a fire and roasted S’mores 🙂

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